The age old outrage of antisemitism has risen its ugly head in abundance. Why is this beautiful world so full of hatred? The International Relations Dept visited the local pensioners day centre in an effort to find answers.

Antisemitism is “ a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
AntiIsrael is extreme and/or illegitimate criticism of Israel. It can take various forms, including false accusations directed against Israel, often with the aim of delegitimizing the country. Anti-Israel bias does not include legitimate criticism of the Israeli government, its policies, or its politicians.
So here we are yet again, but this time in a BIG way. The war rages on between Israel and Hamas Terrorist organization and the war rages on between the Jews and everyone else. Many accusations get thrown out across the globe but rarely do you hear a frank and open, calm and considered conversation between Jews and anyone else. It is mostly always conducted on the streets by marching with signs, screaming down microphones that just happen to be around, posting on ALL social platforms and appearing on any media channel that will give them air times.
Hatred is a terrible terrible thing. But how is it in 2023, the world has progressed so much since WW2, we are smarter, we have the benefit of LEARNING from past mistakes, we are so much closer to each other – boundaries have been opened – and yet, a few million people in the world are always the victims of such hatred. Perhaps that’s the answer! Perhaps because the jewish people are small in numbers, it is easy to vent, resent, hate and attack.
This last week Ofra and Alison from the International Relations Department invited the pensioners of the Ein Gedi day centre to an open discussion in an attempt to understand the ‘why’ and try to find the ‘what to do’ and ‘how to do it’.
The conversation didn’t really come to a concrete conclusion so part II with a professional will be in the new year and maybe then we will get solutions.