Running in the name of ‘Love’
A project that came to our attention recently, that promotes ‘love’ at this very difficult time. Antoine, a marathoner from Angers in France runs from his home town to Jerusalem, Israel in the name of love. Who doesn’t want love in their life? Who doesn’t want peace? All sports bring people from all walks of […]

A project that came to our attention recently, that promotes ‘love’ at this very difficult time. Antoine, a marathoner from Angers in France runs from his home town to Jerusalem, Israel in the name of love.
Who doesn’t want love in their life? Who doesn’t want peace? All sports bring people from all walks of life TOGETHER.
So running for peace as passionately as Antoine sends a definite message of ‘love’. Love for running, love for people, love for peace. You can read more about this project at the following links:
The Dead Sea Marathon held every year in February also brings together people from all over the world to compete ‘together’ at the lowest place on earth.
So lets get our running shoes on and start thinking love, understanding and togetherness and maybe, just maybe, peace will one day be the victor.